Cool father solves problem with coffee bean, a potato,an egg
A youngboy complained to his father that he doesn't want to go to school because his buddies tease him.
His father escorted him to the kitchen,
where he boiled three pots full of water.
In the first pot, he added potatoes,
in the second, an egg,
and in the third, coffee beans.
He removed them after some time and told his son to touch it.
What do you see now, father questioned the boy.The boy responded, "It's potatoes, eggs, and coffee."
Father smiled and said that although they all had to deal with the same difficulty—boiling water—the potatoes that went in hard turned out soft.
Egg that was delicate when put in got hard.
And coffee with a lovely scent was made from coffee beans.
He questioned his son, "Which are you?" How do you react when misfortune comes knocking at your door? Are you a coffee bean, a potato, or an egg?
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